Live Wireshark diameter capturing from K8s container (in Google Kubernetes Engine)

Handy command to remotely capture tcpdump from a K8s container located in Google Kubernetes Engine and then display it (live!) in Wireshark running on your PC:

% gcloud beta compute ssh jumphost --quiet --command='kubectl exec tra-rt-ag1-0 --namespace=app-ns -- sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump -i any -U --immediate-mode port 16553 or port 16560 or port 16570 -w -' | /Users/jhartman/Tools/Utilities/ -k -i -


  • Wireshark installed locally in your PC
  • Configured gcloud access to the environment
  • tcpdump available in the container
  • Root or sudo available in the container (if not, a sidecar with tcpdump might be easiest option to get it)


Live Wireshark diameter capturing from K8s container (in Google Kubernetes Engine)
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