Kindle Library List

Extracts documents list from Amazon Kindle webpage and save into a txt, xml and html file. Project stored in GitHub.

How to use:

  1. Download (or build) KindleLibrary.jar
  2. Navigate to Manage your content and devices Amazon page (tested using Chrome but I trust it should work with any other web browser)
  3. Switch Show to Docs Image 1
  4. Scroll down to reach end of your list (or to see Show more button) Image 2
  5. Save the html (File -> Save Page As…, using Complete Webpage). Override the default filename with an easy name, e.g. 1.
  6. If more docs pending, press Show More button on the bottom of the page and iterate to Step 4
  7. When all pages iterated, open a command line and invoke the conversion:

Jareks-MBP:Downloads jhartman$ java -jar KindleLibrary.jar 1.htm
Amazon book list extractor
Elements found:400
Saving 1.html
Saving 1.txt
Saving 1.xml

8.Convert all html files saved earlier

Example of output html and xml looks as below

Image 3Image 4

Libraries & References

jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.

Kindle Library List
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